Working for Ad. Agencies and direct clients on TV & radio networks, Napoleon has made advertising copy for companies as Pepsi, Apple Macintosh, Dodge, Pizza Hut, The Broadway Stores, American Cancer Society, Southern California Cable, Yoshinoya Restaurants, Sonoran Bank, Nissan, AZ Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities, Arizona Department of Health Services, and the Phoenix Botanical Garden, among many others.
The job of a creative copywriter is one of the most sought-after advertising jobs in the industry. The creative copywriter crafts and shapes the words in an advertisement. In doing so he defines the success of both, the advertisement and the advertiser.
The history of advertising has often proven the creative copywriter's pen to be one of the greatest marketing tools. Any advertising copywriter who wants to become successful should:
have an eye for detail,
possess exceptionally inventive writing skills,
be a master of spelling, grammar, and punctuation,
be able to produce concise, clear, and winning copy,
be interested in popular culture, trends, and styles,
understand the special ideas and styles that appeal to diverse target markets,
have a knack for finding the kind of message that appeals to the targeted market segment,
have an understanding of what kind of message may confuse or offend the targeted market segment,
be able to come up with creative and original copy,
be a team player,
be able to handle work pressure and meet deadlines,
be able to accept negative responses and disapproval
be ready to adjust personal ideas in response to other people's requirements.
Not all advertisement jobs that involve creative copywriting have the same set of duties. However, the tasks commonly associated with the job of a creative copywriter are:
Attendingconsultations with account executives to clarify and internalize the brand's requirements and core messages,
familiarizing oneself with advertising and promotional material used by competitors,
understanding the class of consumers the advertiser desires to reach and targeting advertising to their tastes,
brainstorming ideas with members of the creative team and coming up with new, catchy, and convincing ideas to communicate the advertiser's message,
rejecting some ideas and developing others - deciding between alternatives,
writing advertising copy,
helping to explain concepts to the advertiser and adapting them according to the needs of the advertiser,
guarding against producing deceptive copy or advertisements that may lead to consumer confusion,
scrutinizing the syntax and semantics of copy,
working on multiple projects at the same time.